The meeting was at 7 p.m. so I made sure I left my house at least an hour early just in case I got lost. I was kind of scared walking pass the Safeway on Mission by myself at night. A creepy guy passed by me on the street, which quickly reminded me my mom had bought me pepper spray last week, which I had thrown somewhere in my room. You don't know how bad I wish I had it at that moment. As I power-walked up Mission, I finally crossed Santa Rosa Street, where the meeting was going to be.
Excelsior District Improvement Association is a non profit organization that's been around for over 65 years trying to better their neighborhood. The web site welcomed anyone that was interested in attending the meeting so they gave a pretty friendly vibe. As I was walking down the street, I was looking out for a big building or a school where I thought the meeting might be. I remember glancing at this really cute house to my left that caught my attention. It had a huge tree branch hanging down the porch that was covered with plants. I looked for the address and I realized it matched the address on my notebook.
I made my way up the front stairs, and I wasn't really sure what to do since I wasn't expecting the meeting to be at a house. When I rang the doorbell, this really old man slowly opened the door. He stared at me, holding his cane and said, "Who are you? Are you here for the meeting?" At that moment, for some weird reason, I knew this was going to be interesting...
Well, you've really interested me now ... Hope you dried out. Can't wait to read all about it!