After class yesterday I was feeling a little bit defeated after all my plans for the next assignment had fell thru, and I would basically have to rework my entire plan which I hate to do but I know is necessary. While everyone was moving on to the next step I was in my head trying to think of someone or something that would be an entertaining subject. I thought about it, then I browsed the internet, and then I went back to my notes, and I remembered someone.
For the meeting story I had interviewed Rev. Elouise Oliver and although I only used one of her quotations in my paper we did have a pretty good talk and I remember telling her about this story (the profile).
Unfortunately I didn’t get a chance to call her last night, it had got too late, but while I was on BART going home something amazing happened, 2 insanely drunk people got on BART.
A woman sitting across the aisle, and 2 other women sitting behind her, we all snickered at the drunken woman who look pale and exhausted and smelled like Jameson (it was St. Patrick’s Day) and a man drunkenly falling on unsuspecting people as the train departed from 24th and Mission.
I was feeling a little uneasy when the drunken woman exclaimed she was dizzy, all I could say was “if this woman throws up on me, it won’t be funny,” the lady across the aisle from me laughed… as if I was joking. Then reached in her bag and pulled out a folder for me to hand the woman if she was going to “hurl”.
The woman didn’t get sick, thank goodness, but that small instance led me and the woman to start talking. I told her how I was a Journalism student and that I want to be a lawyer and she told me how much she misses her friend that passed away. She was a peculiar woman but a Christian, which she wore in her ears, and around her neck and proudly told anyone about her love of God, if they asked.
She told me that tomorrow was her birthday but she was a little too stressed, as a woman of faith myself, I offered these words to help her stay positive.
“I am too blessed to be stressed, and too anointed to be disappointed.”
And for everyone who was listening was like wow that is such a great saying, the women sitting behind us were texting it to their friends, I felt pretty cool. The woman I was talking to loved it so much she said she was going to take it back to church with her. Then I asked do u go to church around here (by this time we were at West Oakland BART) she said yes I go to church downtown on telegraph “Eastbay..” I cut her off “Of Religious Science,” I said. And both of us were stunned for a moment. She was excited because she thought I was a part of the congregation, I was excited because I found a source for my story. Got her contact info and ready to start interviewing my sources (yes before the person I have in mind, I figure that it would hurt).
So I was ready to get off BART, so I grabbed my things and the Christian woman’s contact info, then out of nowhere the woman sitting behind the Christian woman introduced herself and told me she liked the way I handled myself and handed me her card, turns out she works for Thomson Reuters and told me to keep in touch.
I believe that today was meant to happen. Things just fell into place and brought me exactly what I needed, and even a future contact and/or opportunity, and I am so blessed.