I have two possible choices for my profile. After attending the EDIA meeting in Excelsior, my curiosity about the house the meeting was at still stayed with me. Catherine Consiglieri, owner of the house, gave me a small tour before the meeting started that week. She mentioned how she lived in Excelsior almost all her life and how her grandfather was the first owner of the house she lives in. Walking down the basement, the hollow atmosphere made the area feel creepy but interesting at the same time. She said it was a farm house as she pointed at the walls made out of hard, old wood. I'm still really interested in that house, but I don't know if there is enough information to make my profile interesting.
My other option is the Italian Social Club in Excelsior. I know it has been around since the 40s and though members have come and gone, the history of the club is still very much alive in the building. You can see how many people and what kind of people were part of the club by looking at the pictures in the ballrooms.
Both these interest me very much, but I feel like I'm limiting myself and not looking for other ethnic groups that make a larger part of Excelsior today. I don't know what to do....
Why didn't you do Consiglieri who, along with everything else, has a great name?