Last week I interviewed my profile subject once more and contacted my other sources and have really just been gathering more information about the reverend and her work. Although I think ( im sure others would feel this is a great thing as well) researching is very important and is the right thing to do, but the problem is looking at my draft the Saturday before its due, I am now over loaded with information and I’m confused about how to use it.
So last week I attended what I thought was church so I could really to get the reverend’s message and a sense of who she is. So I got off BART on time (this time) went to the church grabbed a seat in front and started to talk with random people. And this one woman I was talking to about the reverend had stopped me and said, “You’re going to do great things, I can tell from the positive energy your sending me.” Obviously I was very humbled by her comment, it just made me really smile.
So then the choir came out and it was pretty small but they were very good, inspirational and extremely moving I wished I recorded it. Next was prayer, then the woman I was there to profile spoke. The reverend told everyone a story of how she gave a perfect stranger $100 check to buy a part for daughter’s car, and when he went to go cash it, she said she just waited and waited for the man to come back and when her daughter had started to get frustrated about the situation but the reverend insisted on being patient. The man came back the next day and gave her some of the money back for having her wait. The moral of the story is that she knew God was following that man and she didn’t have to trust the man because she trusts god. That story, the way she told it just really touched me. Then I stopped looking at the church so critically and saw all types of people bond together in spirituality, and it didn’t matter what condition they were in as long as they were all receiving the message that God loves you (regardless of what they may call him).
But the point of this blog was to say I had made it to another meeting unintentionally but it definitely helped my research because not only did I get more sources, but I also have documents on what the church makes and how they spend the money, how they get their money, just a lot of information that I would not have gotten if I hadn’t walked into another meeting.
The picture I've included is a painting one of the members did in order to represent the church's belief structure...It doesn't matter what you have faith in, as long as you have faith.
Amen to that!