Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Berkeley High and Ethnic Studies

So honestly, this story took forever to unravel and still even after sending in the final, i feel as though there's more to it. My main reason for writing about the Berkeley Ethnic Studies program at the Berkeley High School was because it was astonishing to learn that Berkeley was one of the first high schools in the 60's to have a African American department and mandate its students to enroll in at least one Ethnic Studies course that will win them up to 6 units into college, all at the age of 14. What i learned during the course of investigating the program was that it falls short on funding due to state budget cuts since the year 2000. I was trying to get the numbers on how much it actually costs to carry this program through and what is the budget for this program currently but the person designated to answer these questions was not responding to me at all, despite the numerous attempts with voicemails and urgent emails. It really was a lesson learned because even now i don't have a response to the numbers from this person and all the counselors and the front desk people keep transferring me to him. Bureaucracy- i hate it! 

Al though i feel short on the numbers, i did get to speak to a lot of students and was even allowed to attend a Parents Teachers Students Association meeting to gain information. 

It seems that the teachers, students and parents all appreciate the work BHS does in allowing students to explore their identity through courses such as La Raza studies and African American history (courses freshmen students at college usually explore). 

I enjoyed this particular story the most because it designated with my own desire to study Tibetan history which is not provided at SFSU and definitely was no where available during my high school years. 

The semester is at an end and i still feel as though i am catching up, honestly the work load this semester with school and 40 hours work and sitting as a board member on a non-profit organization was a bit overwhelming for me and a hard lesson to learn; overloading many things at one time can make accomplishing everything very difficult. 

Next semester, less work hours, less volunteering, and more school school school, time to graduate already!

This class has been enormously fun and i appreciate all the discussions that we had during and after class. Memorable experience for sure! Moments to last. Have a good summer you all and for those taking Magazine Writing over summer, lets prepare for another fun class right? Crossing my fingers! 

1 comment:

  1. I'm so sorry you met a brick wall on the budget figures. I so understand your desire to/problem with packing it in, doing too much, being overextended. It's a way of life. Good luck with magazine writing.
