Monday, April 12, 2010


I want to be honest in this blog and admit that I have been dreading this assignment all semester. It took all the energy I had on Saturday to drag myself to the Castro to start investigating. I complained to myself the entire time. After visiting the wrong police station, dealing with difficult police officers and sacrificing one whole afternoon, I was anxious to finally go home.

Driving far way from the Castro, I smiled to myself knowing I was done with my research for the day. However, the closer I drove to home, the more I began to realize that my perception on the assignment was a crime. All of my whining and anxiety toward the story made me feel like a child. By the time I arrived home I came to the conclusion that I should be grateful to have the opportunity to improve my journalistic skills and report on I really interesting district.

Growing up my mom always said, “instead of saying I have to, say, I get to.” I know having this disposition will only improve my experience and the story.

Tomorrow I am heading to the Castro with the attitude of a journalist, instead of a spoiled brat.

View Castro District in a larger map